>Marisa González (esp)
Ellas Filipinas / They, the Philippines
“Ellas, Filipinas” is about the Philipino diaspora in the city of Hong Kong, where meet more than 150.000 women that have left their country, searching a better future. They are a community of women working in domestic service. They sacrifice their lives to support their families. Doing their job, they suffer exploitation, abuse and discrimination in many cases. In their only day off, Sundays, they invade the down town financial and commercial district, where they transform and occupy the streets until they go back to their homes. These women change the meaning of the commercial public space, where they display their habits and traditions through leisure, rest, religion and culture. Narration by the main actors –the Philipino women has been possible thanks to their generosity. The interviews were first made in Hong Kong to them and later on Philippines to some members of their families. The artist shows the hard labour conditions of female immigrants who left their country in the search of a better life and how they work for the whole family, their parents, the husband and their children. The artist made several versions of the same work, being the longest one a 53 minutes documentary.