> Hiraki Sawa (jap)
Sleeping machine I
Pertenece a la instalación titulada Things go around.
Sleeping machine I (video monocanal en color y con sonido) presenta un mundo desquiciado, evoca una seductora nostalgia, con ocultos rincones interiores habitados sólo por máquinas antiguas de cálculo, engranajes y otras piezas de relojería extraídos de sus estructuras habituales en movimiento sobre paisajes urbanos nocturnos. Giran y se bloquean de manera inexplicable a lo largo de las habitaciones de una casa abandonada, contando el paso lento y difícil que se tarda para alcanzar el tiempo.
También forman parte de esta instalación: Sleeping machine II, Bell, Did I?, For Saya y Tracking, From 0.
Part of the installation titled Things go around (2011).
Depicts an unhinged world which evokes a seductive nostalgia, with hidden inner corners inhabited only by antique calculating machines, gears and timepieces removed from their habitual structures, moving over the nighttime cityscapes. They turn and lock inexplicably as they move through the rooms of an abandoned house, counting the slow and difficult passage of time. Both works are metaphors for Sawa’s innermost personal space, represented by the act of sleeping or remembering. The artist is not interested in the landscape or everyday life as such, but rather as a transcript of his memory.
Also part of this installation are: Sleeping machine II, Bell, Did I?, For Saya and Tracking, From o.
Obra de la Colección INELCOM.