Gianluca Abbate (ita)
Gianluca Abbate es un director de cine y videoartista italiano. Sus obras se han mostrado en museos y exposiciones y se han proyectado en varios festivales de cine y videoarte. Como director creativo también trabajó con Rai3 y SkyArte y aún colabora con varias agencias de ADV. Enseñó nuevas tecnologías cinematográficas en Civica Scuola di Cinema en Milán, motion graphics en IED Roma y ahora enseña video graphics en Frosinone Academy of Fine Arts.
Gianluca Abbate is an Italian film director and video artist. His works have been shown at museums and exhibitions and screened at several film and video art festivals. As creative director he also worked with Rai3 and SkyArte and still collaborates with several ADV agencies. He taught new cinema technologies at Civica Scuola di Cinema in Milan, motion graphics at IED Roma and now teaches video graphics at Frosinone Academy of Fine Arts.