Javier Abarca (esp)

Javier Abarca (Madrid 1973) es artista, investigador y docente especializado en graffiti y arte urbano. Figura principal de la primera generación del graffiti español, impartió entre 2006 y 2015 una asignatura sobre graffiti y arte urbano en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en Aranjuez. Publica desde 2008 la web Urbanario. Es fundador y director de la feria editorial Unlock y del congreso Tag Conference. Trabaja en docencia, crítica, comisariado y dirección de eventos en España y Europa.


Javier Abarca (Madrid 1973) is an artist, researcher and teacher specialized in graffiti and urban art. Leading figure of the first generation of Spanish graffiti, he taught between 2006 and 2015 a course on graffiti and urban art at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid in Aranjuez. He has published the Urbanario website since 2008. He is the founder and director of the Unlock publishing fair and the Tag Conference. He works in teaching, criticism, curating and event management in Spain and Europe.
