Helena Ferreira (por)

Helena Ferreira (Lisboa, 1982) es una artista visual cuyo trabajo abarca diferentes soportes y materiales con especial atención al dibujo, el vídeo y la instalación. Su obra se centra en múltiples procesos perceptivos y narrativos que resultan de la interacción del sujeto con el mundo que lo rodea. A partir de experiencias personales, o utilizando referencias históricas y sociales, Helena Ferreira evoca suspensiones y fracturas en la linealidad temporal para repensar y contemplar lo imperceptible, lo indecible o lo velado.
Helena Ferreira ha mostrado su obra de arte en Portugal y en el extranjero, ha comisariado exposiciones de arte y ha sido invitada a presentar su trabajo en conferencias, seminarios y talleres. Es licenciada en Escultura (2008) por la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Lisboa y doctora en Bellas Artes/Arte Multimedia (2022) por la misma institución con beca de la Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, con tesis a partir de su práctica artística: La imagen proyectada. Es profesora del IPLUSO [Instituto Politécnico para a Lusofonia] e investigadora asociada del CIEBA/GIAM [Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes/Grupo de Investigação em Arte Multimédia]. Helena es autora de ensayos, ha editado libros y catálogos de exposiciones, y fue co-curadora y co-coordinadora de Post-Screen: Festival Internacional de Arte, Medios y Ciberculturas (2013-2017).

Helena Ferreira (Lisbon, 1982) is a visual artist whose work spans across different supports and materials with a special focus on drawing, video, and installation. Her body of work is centered on multiple perceptual and narrative processes that result from the subject’s interaction with the world around them. Based on personal experiences, or using historical and social references, Helena Ferreira evokes suspensions and fractures in temporal linearity to rethink and contemplate what is imperceptible, unspeakable, or veiled.
Helena Ferreira has shown her artwork in Portugal and abroad, has curated art exhibitions, and has been invited to present her work at conferences, seminars, and workshops. She has a degree in Sculpture (2008) from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon and a PhD in Fine Arts/Multimedia Art (2022) from the same institution with a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology, with a thesis based on her artistic practice: The projecting image. She is a professor at IPLUSO [Instituto Politécnico para a Lusofonia] and associate researcher at CIEBA/GIAM [Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes/Grupo de Investigação em Arte Multimédia]. Helena has authored essays and edited books and exhibition catalogs, and was co-curator and co-coordinator of Post-Screen: International Festival of Art, Media, and Cybercultures (2013-2017).