IRIT BATSRY– Artista y Directora Loops.Lisboa

Irit Batsry is an artist working mainly in video and installations. Her work has been shown extensively in 35 different countries. She was awarded the prestigious Whitney Biennial Bucksbaum Award (2002) given to “an artist whose work demonstrates a singular combination of talent and imagination – a person who promises to make a significant contribution to the visual arts”. She received the Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in 1992 and the Grand Prix Video de Création of the Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia, Paris (1996 and 2001) as well as many prizes including: Grand Prix – Locarno 90 and 95, First Prize – Vigo 94 and 01 First Prize – the Australian Video Festival 89, First prize – San Francisco Poetry Film Festival 89.

Selected shows include the National Gallery in Washington, the National Film Theater and the ICA (London), Reina Sofia Museum (Madrid), Museu d’Arte Moderna (Rio), Ludwig Museum (Koln), Tel Aviv Museum, Artists Space, the Whitney and the MOMA in NYC. In 2006 the Jeu de Paume in Paris organized a retrospective of her videotapes (1981-2006).

Her videotapes were acquired by museums and selected for international festivals including Rio 87,90, Berlin 88,90,92,96, London 87,91,96, 00, Montréal 87,88,94,96,97, Bonn 86,88,90,92,94, 96, Geneva 89,91,93,95, Oberhausen 92,96, and Rotterdam 2000.
Selected broadcasts include PBS (Channel 13, KQED), La Sept, WDR and ARTE.

F E L L O W S H I P S and AWARDS (selection)

Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellowship, Italy, 2012
Whitney Museum Biennial Bucksbaum Award, fellowship, NYC , 2002
New York Foundation For The Arts, fellowship, NYC, 2002
Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology, fellowship, Montreal, 1999
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Fellowship, NYC, 1992
Jerome Foundation, Fellowship, 1990
Grand Prix Video de Création, (These Are Not My Images), La SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia), Paris, France, 2001
First Prize (These Are Not My Images),  Intl. Video Festival,Vigo, Spain, 2001
Grand Prix Video de Création, (Scale), La SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia), Paris, France, 1996
First Prize (Scale), 15th Videoart Festival, Locarno, Switzerland 1995
Polish Television Award, (Traces of a Presence to Come), Wroclaw, Poland 1995
Fisrt Prize (shared, Traces of a Presence to Come), V Itl.Video Festival,Vigo, Spain 1994
Szellemkep Award, (A Simple Case of Vision), Mediawave Festival, Hungary 1992
Award for Best Artistic Contribution, (A Simple Case of Vision) Muestra Internacional de Video, Cadiz, Spain, 1991
Grand Prix, (shared, Leaving The Old Ruin) 11th Videoart Festival, Locarno, 1990
Best International tape, (Leaving The Old Ruin), Australian Video Festival, Sydney, 1989
First Prize, (Leaving The Old Ruin) Poetry Film festival, San Francisco, 1989
Best of The Festival, (Stories From the Old Ruin) New Images in Video, Stamford, NY, 1987
Second Prize, (Stories From the Old Ruin) Poetry Film Festival, San Francisco, 1987
Golden Classic Award, (Stories From the Old Ruin), Columbus Video Festival, Ohio, 1986
Bezalel Academy of Art, Department Award for outstanding Achievements, Jerusalem, 1983

A R T I S T    I N    R E S I D E N C E

Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
The Experimental TV Center, Owego, NY , 1985 – 2001
Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC,  2002 -2004
The Biosphere, Montreal, 1999 – 2002
Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany, 1993 – 2000
Cité International des Arts, Paris, France, 1994,  1996
Centre International de Creation Video Montbeliard Belfort, France, 1992 – 1993
Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, NY,1989
Video Synthesis Studio, Film Video Arts, NYC, 1988


The New York State Council on the Arts, 2004
The New York State Council on the Arts, 1999
Finishing Funds, The Experimental TV Center, Owego, 1999
Délégation aux Art Plastique, Ministère de la Culture, France, 1996
Delegation aux Art Plastique, Ministère de la Culture, France, 1992
The New York State Council on the Arts, Distribution Grant, 1991
Art Matters Grant, NYC, 1989
Harvestworks, Audio Post Production Grant, NYC    , 1989
The Israel-American Foundation, Special Grant, 1983

C U R I C U L U M  V I T A E

Independent visual artist, 1983 – present
Instructor and On-Line Editor, Film/Video Arts, NYC 1984 – 1991
Instructor, Bezalel Academy of Art, Jerusalem 1983
Post Graduate Certificate in Video, Bezalel Academy of Art, Jerusalem 1983
B. F. A. with Honors, Bezalel Academy of Art, Jerusalem    1982

S O L O  E X H I B I T I O N S (selection)

Seeing What is Left, kupferman collection Foundation, Lochamei Hagetaot, Israel, 2016
Casal Solleric, Irit Batsry: Video Retrospective, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2014
Aut Aut Arte Contemporanea, Screen, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2013
Carpe Diem Art and Research, Warning Palace and The Yellow Line, Lisbon, Portugal 2013
Herzliya Biennial of Contemporary Art, Beit Mani, Warning House, Tel Aviv, Israel 2011
Centre d’art contemporain Le parvis, La ligne jaune (suite), Ibos,France 2007
Jeu de Paume, Irit Batsry : retrospective – videotapes 1981-2006, Paris    France 2006
The Museum of Modern Art, These Are Not My Images, New York, USA 2004
Whitney Museum of American Art, Irit Batsry: Set, USA 2003
Fuller’s Flow, The Biosphere, Montreal, Canada 2002

G R O U P  E X H I B I T I O N S (selection)

The New Museum, “Staring Back at the Sun”, New York, NY, 2016
Tweed Museum of Art, “A Flow of Ideas”, Minnesota, USA 2009
The Armory Center for the Arts, At Home in the World, Pasadena, USA 2006
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, These Are Not My Images As part of Visione in Viaggio, Torino, Italy 2004
Fondazione Ragghianti, L’Arte de Vidéo – Il viaggio de ll’uomo immobile, Lucca, Italy. 2004
Kunstfilm Bienale Koln, These Are Not My Images, Museum Ludwig, Germany, 2003
The Whitney Museum Biennial, New York City, USA 2002
Daejeon Muncipal Museum of Art,
“2002 Media Art Daejeon – New York: Special Effects”,  Korea 2002
Guggenheim Museum, “Video/Je Vois”, Bilbao, Spain 2001

B I B L I O G R A P H I E (selection)

A Decade in Conversation:
A Ten-Year Celebration of The Bucksbaum Award, 2000-2010:
With Interviews with Paul Pfeiffer, Irit Batsry, Raymond Pettibon, Omer Fast,
Chrissie Iles, Christiane Paul, Carter E. Foster, and Tina Kukielski,
Whitney Museum in association with Yale Press USA, 2010

Video Prints from Set, USA, Dec 2003 with an essay by Lawrence Rinder
56 pages, 36 color plates, Irit Batsry Studio Publication

Hybrid Images: a selection from neither there nor here, USA Dec 2003
64 pages, 49 color plates, Irit Batsry Studio Publication

Traces of a Passage, monograph in the collection Chimaera,    France April 1994
– Pierre Bongiovanni, “Images, Millenia…”
– Stuart Jones, “Leaving Simple Traces”
– Laurence Kardish, “The Old Ruin and the New Frontier”
– Uri Lipschitz, “The Video Art of Irit Batsry :
Contradictions and Oppositions”
– Friedemann Malsch, “The Poetry of the Incompatible”
– Marc Mercier, “An Anatomical Video”
– Irit Batsry, “about the strange practice of living with the image”
“Seeing Words”,
Text of Leaving the Old Ruin
Text of Traces of a Presence to Come
Text of Animal (Loco)motion and (Dis)placements
– Text of Pliny the Younger as used in Stories from the Old Ruin
bilingual : English – French, 192 Pages, two color inserts ISSN : 1162-1206
published by the Centre International de Creation Video, BP 5, 25310 Hérimoncourt, France

Buckminster Fuller, Starting with the Universe, Hays and Miller, USA  2008
The Comprehensivist:
Buckminster Fuller and Contemporary Artists, Elizabeth Smith
Whitney Museum in association with Yale Press, ISBN: 978-0-300-12620-4

Cinémas Contemporains. Du Film a l’installation,  Luc Vancheri, France 2009 Aléas Editions.

Des Mains Modernes,
Plastique de la Mutilation: Irit Batsry, Luc Vancheri, France 2009
Editions L’Harmattan

A R  T I C L E S (selection)

LA Times, Chrisptopher knight, Conflict and Intrigue Grow, Irit Batsry at Shoshana Wayne Gallery. USA    March 20  2009
New York Times, Roberta Smith, Getting Caravaggio From Video, With Several Hearts of Darkness. Irit Batsry: Set  USA    January 9    2003
Le Monde, Irit Batsry: L’art peut-il  être équitable ?, Nicolas Thély    France, Sep. 17 2003
Les Inrockuptibles, Jean-Marie Durand,
“These Are Not My Images (neither there nor here)”, France, June, 2001
Télérama,  Anne Dessuant, “These Are Not My Images”,     France    Mai 30    2001
Ars Video, Gabriel Villota, “A Case of Vision: Irit Batsry”, Spain, January, 1992
Women Artist News, Laura Hoptman, NYC    summer, 1988
“Two Hands Writing and Erasing at the Same Time: The Video Work of Irit Batsry”

