Rebecca Agnes (ita) 

Rebecca Agnes nació en 1978, en Pavia, Italia.

Se graduó en Bellas Artes en la Academia Brera, Milán, en 2001.

Vive y trabaja en Milán y en Berlín.

Ha participado en múltiples exposiciones de arte como Fusion Art Gallery (Welcome to the Future – 2019  / Coordinate – 2015), Davide Gallo Gallery (Ogni punto della Terra è est e ovest allo stesso tempo – 2017 / Dys-functional cities – 2014 /The big bean that landed on earth – 2008), ZAVOD (The italian alphabet has 21 letters – 2014), CLANG (Habitat #1 – 2013), VBM 2O.1O contemporary art and design (Planeten – 2012), NOTgallery (Urania – 2011), Artopia Gallery (Luoghi che non esitono più – 2011), Viafarini (Le città che ci aspettano – 2003), entre muchas otras…

Rebecca Agnes born in 1978, in Pavia, Italy.

She graduated in Fine Arts from the Brera Academy, Milan, in 2001

Lives and works in Milan and Berlin.

She has participated in multiple art exhibitions such as Fusion Art Gallery (Welcome to the Future – 2019 / Coordinate – 2015), Davide Gallo Gallery (Ogni punto della Terra è est e ovest allo stesso tempo – 2017 / Dys-functional cities – 2014 / The big bean that landed on earth – 2008), ZAVOD (The italian alphabet has 21 letters – 2014), CLANG (Habitat # 1 – 2013), VBM 2O.1O contemporary art and design (Planeten – 2012), NOTgallery (Urania – 2011 ), Artopia Gallery (Luoghi che non esitono più – 2011), Viafarini (Le città che ci aspettano – 2003), among many others …
