Home / NOEMI SJÖBERG Shadows

> Noemi Sjöberg (sue)


En el puerto de Essaouira, los niños se zambullen mientras los pescadores trabajan, las mujeres se pasean, las gaviotas vuelan y las obras de construcción continúan. El pasado y futuro aún por llegar se mezclan, se está testificando una transformación. Somos transportados en una visión retorcida de la escena. Las imágenes en blanco y negro y el sonido potencian la tensión y la dualidad de este entorno: juego y peligro, real y surrealista.
Su trabajo está representado por los distribuidores Heure Exquise (Francia) y Filmform (Suecia).

At the Essaouira harbour, children dive while fishermen work, women walk around, seagulls fly and construction works go on. Past and forthcoming future mingle, a transformation is being testified. We are transported in a twisted vision of the scene. The black and white images and the sound empower the tension and duality of this environment: game and danger, real and surreal.
Her work is represented by the distributors Heure Exquise (France) and Filmform (Sweden).

Noemi Sjöberg was born in Madrid 1978. She grew up in France and Sweden. She obtained a Master degree in Fine Arts from «L ‘École Supérieure d’Aix en Provence», in 2002 and moved to Barcelona to perform an artist residence in Metrònom, Rafael Tous Contemporary Art Foundation. Her videos and installations have been seen in spanish art centers such as Centro de Arte la Panera, MUA, Museum of the University of Alicante, TEA of Tenerife and international ones such as Vandalorum (Sweden), Cervantes Institute of Berlin, Modern Art, Färgfabriken Norr, Östersund (Sweden), Museum Pola Annex (Tokyo), MACRO Testaccio (Rome).Her films have been shown at festivals and fairs such as the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Festival du Nouveau cinéma de Montréal, Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Kortfilmdagen av Svenska Filminstitutet, DIVA art fair Gallery Isabelle Hurley, Loop Videoakt Hotel Amister.
