Lau Man pan (hon)
Criado en Hong Kong, Lau Man-Pan obtuvo su Licenciatura en Artes Visuales de la Universidad Bautista de Hong Kong en 2012 y su Maestría en bellas artes en pintura del Instituto Frank Mohr en 2022. Debido a su experiencia migratoria, estaba intrigado por la noción de alienación, alteridad, libertad e historia construida.
Trabaja con diversos medios y se centra principalmente en el dibujo y la pintura. En su práctica multidisciplinar, explora la idea de recuerdos emocionales y objetos mnemotécnicos, al tiempo que expresa dudas sobre una perspectiva ahistórica de la identidad. Sus obras a menudo se refieren a imágenes y seres humanos que las relaciones entre él y sus sujetos toman significado en la forma en que las personas y el entorno vienen a reflejarlo.
Raised in Hong Kong, Lau Man-Pan gained his Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2012 and his Master of fine art in painting from the Frank Mohr Institute in 2022. Due to his migration experience, he was intrigued by the notion of alienation, otherness, freedom, and constructed history. He works with various mediums and mainly focuses on drawing and painting. In his multidisciplinary practice, he explores the idea of emotional memories and mnemonic objects, meanwhile expressing doubt about an ahistorical perspective on identity. His works often refer to images and human beings that the relations between himself and his subjects take significance in the way that people and surroundings come to mirror him.