> Kuang-Yu Tsui 崔廣宇 (twn)
The Wind From Taipei
Todos los años, durante el invierno, el frío monzón del noreste sopla a través de Taiwán, desde la parte norte de Taiwán, cruzando la cordillera central, hasta Hengchun, en la parte sur de Taiwán. Cuando el viento barre Hengchun, crea el fenómeno meteorológico foehn (viento descendente), único en Hengchun. En concreto, provoca tormentas de arena similares a tifones en el desierto junto al mar. Este vídeo se grabó en un pueblo pesquero en declive del sur de Taiwán, cerca de Hengchun.
Every year during the winter season, the piercingly cold northeast monsoon blows across Taiwan, from the northern part of Taiwan, crossing the central mountain range, all the way to Hengchun in the southern part of Taiwan. When the wind swept through Hengchun, it creates the foehn (downslope wind) weather phenomenon unique to Hengchun. In particular, it brings about typhoon-like sand storms in the desert by the sea. This video was shot in a declining fishing village in southern Taiwan close to Hengchun. Just like many towns that await regeneration, there are dilemmas between development and local culture, in this village everyone has a different vision for its future, brimming with contradictions and expectations. The same wind blows, but it creates different humanities and landscapes from the north to south of Taiwan. Although artists from Taipei could understand this conflict, they can only objectively express their observations as “Taipeier” from a detached perspective.