> KUANG-YU TSUI 崔廣宇 (tai)
Invisible City: Liverpool Top 9
Con la colaboración del Ministerio de Cultura de Taiwán, la Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei y Double Square Gallery.
Esta película fue encargada por la Bienal de Liverpool y mostrada en Tata Liverpool en 2006. En el proceso de explorar la transformación urbana de Liverpool, podemos encontrar en el antiguo plan urbano una gran cantidad de espacios e instalaciones que están vagamente definidos y planificados. Estos espacios extraños son como misterios dispersos por la ciudad, esperando ser revelados o cambiados en el momento apropiado. Este proyecto continúa con el concepto central del espíritu de la ciudad: a través de la observación y la interposición del comportamiento, se presentan las posibilidades de la coexistencia de la ciudad y el entorno. Además, bajo la premisa de que no se realizarán cambios en el entorno actual, a través de una forma de recorrido urbano, se hace una interpretación de estos lugares desde el punto de vista del artista. A través de estas interpretaciones que racionalizan los espacios urbanos embarazosos, se elimina el vínculo entre funciones y significados para reorientar la relación entre las personas y los espacios de la vida. También a través de escenas ridículas, se intenta buscar una superposición de experiencias de vida.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan, Taipei Cultural and Economic Office and Double Square Gallery.
This film was commissioned by Liverpool Biennial and shown in Tata Liverpool in 2006. In the process of exploring Liverpool urban transformation, we can find in the old urban plan a lot of spaces and facilities that are vaguely defined and planned. These weird spaces are like mysteries scattered over the city, waiting to be disclosed or changed at an appropriate time. This project continues the core concept of city spirit – through observation and behavioural interposition, the possibilities of the co-existence of city and surroundings are brought forward. Also, on the premise that no changes to the present surroundings will be made, through a form of urban tour, an interpretation is made of these locations from the artist’s point of view. Through these interpretations that rationalize the embarrassing urban spaces, the link between functions and meanings is removed to readdress the relationship between people and life spaces. Also through ridiculous scenes, an attempt is to be made to search for an overlap of life experiences.
Tsui Kuang-Yu (b.1974) currently lives and works in Taipei. He has been trying to respond to the adaptation relation between human and the society from a biological point of view. He also attempts to redefine or question the matrix of the institution we inhabit through different actions and experiments that ignore the accustomed norm. In doing so, the artist has developed new means to adapt to the environment and redefine reality. His action can be regarded as a medium, or a parameter, to gauge social tolerance. Also an attempt to show relationships in the present institution and the relation between man and his environment, His repetitive body experiments accent the absurdity of the social values and reality that people have grown accustomed to.<br><br>He has participated in major international shows such as «The Spectre of Freedom», 51 International Art Exhibition-La Biennale di Venezia, Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy (2005), Liverpool Biennial 2006 : International 06, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, UK (2006), «The Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin», Centre Georges Pompidou, National Museum Jeu de Paume, French Cinematheque, Paris, France (2006), «Thermocline of Art – New Asian Waves», ZKM Center for Art and Media, Germany (2007), «Streetwise», Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid, Spain (2008), «Biennial Cuvée», OK Centrum, Linz, Austria (2008), «Time Crevasse», Yokohama Triennial 2008, Center for Contemporary Art (CCA) Kitakyushu, Yokohama, Japan (2008), «The View from Elsewhere», Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, Sydney, Gallery of Modern Art, and the Cinematheque, Brisbane, Australia (2009), «Extra / Ordinary : Video Art from Asia», Spencer Museum of Art, Kansas, US (2009), «ILLUSIONISMO», CaixaForum Madrid, Lleida, Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, Spain (2010).