Jacqueline Heeley & Philippe Faujas

Nuestras películas son autofinanciadas y, consecuentemente, creadas a partir de un bajo presupuesto.
Valoramos la libertad que esta situación voluntaria fomenta a la hora de crear las historias que queremos contar uniendo juntos los hilos de la escritura, el rodaje, la edición, la corrección de color y la construcción del sonido, aunque raramente es en este orden, ya que cada historia necesita de requisitos particulares.

Hasta la fecha, hemos realizado 13 películas que han sido presentadas en los siguientes festivales: Presents from Jonas (Microscope Gallery, Nueva York, 2019), 6th Cairo Video Festival (2014), International Film Poetry Festival (Atenas, 2014), Visionara 22, (Siena, 2015), Sky Road Film Festival (Clifden, 2015), Different Festival, (Wisconsin, 2017). Dos de dichas películas fueron publicadas por Ob’Art, (Barcelona, 2009) y el Journal of Short Film (Ohio State University, 2012). En 2015, participamos en la Culture Night con películas en Glór, Ennis y Friends of the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin. En 2017, dos de nuestros cortometrajes fueron proyectados como parte del Glór’s Film Season Programme.

Given the circumstances, it is highly unlikely that any headway will be made.
The themes we explore are usually concerned with memory, place and loss.

Our films are self-funded and, consequently, avail of next-to-no budget.
We value the freedom this self-inflicted situation provides to develop the stories we want to tell by drawing together the threads of writing, filming, editing, grading and sound construction, although very rarely in this order as each story imposes its particular requirements.

To date we have made 13 films that have been shown at the following festivals: Presents from Jonas (Microscope Gallery, New York, 2019), 6th Cairo Video Festival (2014), International Film Poetry Festival (Athens, 2014), Visionara 22, (Siena, 2015), Sky Road Film Festival (Clifden, 2015), Different Festival, (Wisconsin, 2017). Two of our films were published by Ob’Art, (Barcelona, 2009) and the Journal of Short Film (Ohio State University, 2012). In 2015, we participated in Culture Night with films at Glór, Ennis and at the Friends of the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin. In 2017, two of our short films were screened as part of Glór’s Film Season Programme.

