CHUN TZU CHANG The grandmother, the uncle and the dog

Home / CHUN TZU CHANG The grandmother, the uncle and the dog

> Chun Tzu Chang (twn)

The grandmother, the uncle and the dog


Bajo el contexto sociopolítico de Taiwán en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la artista retrata su propia historia familiar.
El tío minusválido, el perro descuidado y la dedicada abuela se convierten en símbolos, representando a aquellos que la sociedad deja de lado en busca de la prosperidad y la libertad que promete el mundo moderno

Against the socio-political backdrop of Taiwan in the second half of the 20th century, the artist portrays her own family history.
The handicapped uncle, the neglected dog and the dedicated grandmother become symbols, representing those whom society casts aside in pursuit of the prosperity and freedom promised by the modern world.



