CHEN WAN-JEN The Reflecting Point of Mr. Bill 

Home / CHEN WAN-JEN The Reflecting Point of Mr. Bill 

> CHEN WAN-JEN 陳萬仁 (tai)

比爾先生的靜止點  The Reflecting Point of Mr. Bill 

Con la colaboración del Ministerio de Cultura de Taiwán, la Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei y Double Square Gallery.

Ésta es una pieza que rinde homenaje al anterior trabajo The Reflecting Pool de Bill Viola. Mirando las vastas olas y descubriendo el principio inquebrantable sobre la mezquindad de uno mismo y la desaparición del individuo. Nunca impide que el mundo se vuelva. Todo continúa como siempre. Las aguas centelleantes, como si miraran hacia atrás en el tiempo, se convierten en la poesía cantada del tiempo y los espacios paralelos que yacían ante las ondulantes olas con patrones regulares, trayendo un déjà vu de memoria frente a los ojos.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan, Taipei Cultural and Economic Office and Double Square Gallery.

This is a piece that pays tribute to the work The Reflecting Pool by Bill Viola. Staring into the vast waves and discovering the unwavering principal concerning the pettiness of oneself and the disappearance of the individual. It never stops the world from turning. Everything goes on as usual. The sparkling waters, as if looking back in time, becomes the sung poetry of the paralleled time and space that lay before the flapping waves with regular patterns, bringing up a déjà vu memory in front of the eyes.

1982 Born in Hsinchu County, Taiwan Chen, Wan-jen specializes in using post-production animated images in his creative expressions, whereby many common everyday street settings captured in professional manner are collaged and edited with images downloaded from the internet.

Chen’s image theater gleans its subject matter from life. For him, the content of «real» everyday life is acted out through images. They do not make us conscious of the issue of whether the images are real or fake, but directly touch upon the discrepancy between implied reality and re-creation. He intentionally chooses ordinary scenes from life, attempting to piece together the fragments and to reinterpret the experiences we have lost.
