BOB BICKNELL-KNIGHT Wish I’d Been Born a Balloon

Home / BOB BICKNELL-KNIGHT Wish I’d Been Born a Balloon


 I Wish I’d Been Born a Balloon

El trabajo en video de Bob Bicknell-Knight, I Wish I’d Been Born a Balloon, se centra en la vida de un nano drone, un diminuto vehículo aéreo no tripulado que se utiliza principalmente en operaciones militares. A lo largo del video, el dispositivo reflexiona sobre su propia existencia y lamenta su propósito principal, deseando que se juegue con él en lugar de desplegarlo en zonas de combate, y habla sobre la historia de los drones en relación con varias guerras. El trabajo utiliza imágenes capturadas dentro del mundo del videojuego Grand Theft Auto V de 2013, ampliamente reconocido como una de las simulaciones digitales más precisas del mundo físico.

Bob Bicknell-Knight’s video work, I Wish I’d Been Born a Balloon, centres on the life of a nano drone, a tiny unmanned aerial vehicle that is primarily used in military operations. Throughout the video, the device reflects on its own existence and laments its primary purpose, wishing to be played with rather than deployed in combat zones, and speaks about the history of drones in relation to various wars. The work utilises footage captured from within the world of the 2013 video game Grand Theft Auto V, widely renowned as one of the most accurate digital simulations of the physical world.



