Loops.Expanded 2021

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Loops.Expanded es una red internacional, dedicada a exhibir e investigar el concepto y la forma del Loop. Nuestro objetivo es experimentar con exhibiciones descentralizadas de videoarte / imágenes en movimiento, simposios, charlas y clases magistrales.


Loops.Expanded is an international network, dedicated to exhibiting and researching the concept and the form of the Loop. Our goal is to experiment with decentralized videoart / moving image exhibitions, symposiums, talks and masterclasses.

The network, founded in 2019, expands the original initiative of Loops Lisboa started in 2015. Loops.Expanded founders are curators and organizations from the field of video art from five different countries: António da Câmara (Duplacena / Festival Temps d’Images, Lisbon – Portugal). Mario Gutiérrez Cru and Araceli López (PROYECTOR, Madrid – Spain); Sandra Lischi (Ondavideo, Milano – Italy); Tom Van Vliet (WWVF, Amsterdam – Netherlands); Cine Esquema Novo collective (Porto Alegre – Brazil) and Irit Batsry and Alisson Avila (Loops.Lisboa / Festival Temps d’Images, Lisbon – Portugal).

Loops.Expanded 2020 International Open call and decentralized exhibition

Loops.Expanded first activity in 2020 is an international open call for all artists and collectives with works dedicated to the Loop form, be they single or multi-channel. We are looking for works that probe the idea and concept of the Loop, and not for works in which the loop is used only for repetition for exhibition purposes.

We are looking for works that probe the idea and concept of the Loop, and not for works in which the loop is used only technically for exhibition purposes. 

A Loops.Expanded selection will be chosen by the network’s partners from all submissions to the open call. Each partner will select, to exhibit locally, one or more works from the annual selection. Depending on local conditions, the form of the exhibition could include shows or screenings in museums, galleries, theatres or outdoors screenings.

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